Why Join

There are hunters and there are hunters who get involved and help,
what type of hunter do you want to be?

Your membership matters! Membership dues help fund several habitat improvement and conservation project in Indiana each year. Each member also gets a subscription to Turkey Call magazine and special member benefits. Youth memberships are also available and a great way to get your kids outdoors. The NWTF is dedicated to the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation of our hunting heritage in Indiana. Protecting and improving habitat for turkeys benefits other animals and birds along with making Indiana better for all Hoosiers. With 46 Chapters around Indiana there is one near you. With our annual banquets, Youth Events, Women in the Outdoors Events, a State banquet and more there is something for everyone. If you love the great outdoors, we hope you choose to join the NWTF. Together we are making a real difference!

Click here to join the NWTF
  • NWTF Indiana is actively engaged in wildlife habitat restoration and active management of forests with the DNR and Forest Service.
  • NWTF Indiana is committed to securing public hunting grounds and opening access to them.
  • NWTF Indiana works with state agency partners to provide mentored hunting opportunities to new hunters.

The mission of the National Wild Turkey Federation is no less urgent today than when it was founded in 1973 with headquarters in Edgefield, S.C. They are instrumental in not only enhancing wild turkey populations but also in the continuation of hunting and quality wildlife habitat for countless species. Through vital partnerships with state and federal wildlife agencies, the NWTF and our members have helped restore wild turkey populations throughout North America — from a mere 30,000 turkeys in the United States decades ago to more than 7 million across the United States, Canada and Mexico today.

Youth Memberships: You’re never too young to become a conservationist and learn how hunters and shooters play a vital role in wildlife conservation. For $10 a year, your child will receive a year subscription to JAKES Country magazine (4 issues), a chance to win a hunt of a lifetime, a membership card and membership decal.

Click here to join the NWTF.